How to create a new form field
The Multi-Image field can be configured in all Apps. It allows you to upload multiple images within the App.
This can be useful in cases where you're working on a project and would like to share multiple images with coworkers.
Note: The accepted file types are .png, .jpg. The maximum file size for each image is 2MB.
Navigating to Form Fields
Go to Settings > Apps, select the app you'd like to add the field to and select the 'Form Fields' tab.
Configuring a Multi-Image Field
1. Field Name
Give your field a name and add a field hint if desired. You can then select the section in which the field will be created or keep the default option.
2. Section
Choose which form section you would like to add this field to.
3. Type
The field type must be set to 'Image - Multi Select'.
4. Default Value
You can add an image that you like to be in this field by default.
5. Required
Enable the 'Required' checkbox if the information for this field is mandatory. It means that if you enable this option, every time a team member creates a new record, they will need to upload an image for this field in order to save it.
6. Lock After Create
If you enable the 'Lock After Create' as its name implies, the field will be locked once the new record is saved and the value of the field will not be editable afterward.
Once you are done setting your field, click the save button.
Note: All new fields are added at the bottom of the form.
Using the Multi-Image Field
Navigate to the app you created the field in and edit an entry. In my case, I created the field in the 'Companies' app.
Click on 'Add Image'.
You can select images individually or select multiple at once. Select 'Save' Once you're finished adding your images.